Have you been contacted by Progressive?

Progressive conducts research for a wide range of local and national organisations, including government, local authorities, key public services, the NHS, advertising agencies and charities. You may have been contacted by Progressive to take part in research by phone, email, post or face-to-face. Progressive is registered with the Market Research Society (MRS) and abides by the MRS Code of Conduct. To confirm our credentials, you can contact the MRS free on 0800 975 9596. You can also look up Progressive on the MRS website by clicking here.

Frequently asked questions

Was it definitely Progressive?

If it was by telephone: All of our market research calls come from an Edinburgh (0131) number. Our professional telephone interviewers will introduce themselves as being from Progressive and provide the MRS freephone number (0800 975 9596) to verify our credentials if required. 

If it was in person: Face-to-face interviewers carry an identity card with their photo, name and interviewer number. At the end of the interview, you should be given a thank you leaflet including contact details for Progressive.

If it was by email: Email invitations come from the email address [email protected] – although the sender name may vary for each project.

If you would like to check that a call or email you have received is definitely from Progressive, or that an interviewer genuinely works for us, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 0131 316 1900 and we will get back to you to verify this as soon as possible.

Where did you get my contact details?

If we phoned or emailed you, it is likely that your details came from our client in the form of a customer database, or they may have been purchased from an organisation that holds contact details of people who have opted in to research. If you have specific queries about what data we hold and where we got it from, please email [email protected] or call 0131 316 1900 giving details of how and when we contacted you and we will confirm this information.

I’m on the TPS (Telephone Preference System) – why did you still call me?

Being on the TPS means you should not be contacted for the purposes of direct marketing. Since we only conduct genuine market research and never aim to sell you anything, our work is not covered by the TPS.

I don’t want to take part, how can I opt out?

If we contacted you via email, there will be an opt out link or email address in the email invitation that you can use to request we do not contact you again. If you were contacted by phone and do not want to take part, please email us on [email protected] or call 0131 316 1900 confirming your name and the phone number you were called on, and we will ensure you are not phoned again. If you have already taken part in research but would like to withdraw your consent to process your data, please complete this form.

If I take part in research, how do I know that the information I give you will be safe and confidential?

Progressive takes data security extremely seriously and we comply with all relevant data protection legislation and the MRS Code of Conduct. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (registration Z5838124). Full details of our data protection and privacy policy are available here.

This page hasn’t answered my question, how can I contact you?

If your question hasn’t been answered here, please get in touch by email at [email protected], or call us on 0131 316 1900.